CALL US: +918482974505 ∙ WRITE US: ∙ OPENING TIMES: MON - FRI: 09:00 AM- 10:00 PM SAT - SUN: 08:00 AM- 10:00 PM



Jacuzzi Hot Tub Spa

The Heat widens blood vessels, which sends nutrients-rich blood throughout – your body. warm water also bring down swelling and loosen tight muscles. and the water’s buoyancy takes weight off painful joints. a dip in the hot tub might also help your mental state.

Lomi Lomi

It is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaiian Islands, this massage is performed using forearms, knuckles and palms. It is specially designed to relieve mental and physical stress.

Aroma Therapy

Aroma therapy uses essential oils to make you feel calm, relaxed, or energized. The oils work with your sense of smell; you can inhale them, bathe in them, or be massaged with them.
